Mushira Dahaba - Egypt


Professor of oral and maxillofacial radiology, Faculty of dentistry, Galala and Cairo universities.

Director of Dentistry program Galala University.

Professor Mushira Dahaba, Bch. D.S. Faculty of Oral & Dental Medicine, Cairo University, Master’s Degree of Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Periodontology and Oral Radiology, Faculty of Oral & Dental Medicine, Cairo University, 1990.Doctorate Degree of Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Periodontology and Oral Radiology, Faculty of Oral & Dental Medicine, Cairo University, 1993. Dr. Dahaba had post-doctoral training courses in Digital Radiography, USA-1996-1998. She was selected as a visiting professor and researcher in Dental School and Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, NYU and Rutgers Universities, USA,1998-2000. She was promoted as a professor   from Faculty   of   Oral   &   Dental   Medicine, Cairo University in 2004. She has a Diploma in the latest Learning and Teaching Strategies in High Education, England-2020.

Dr. Dahaba is currently the Dentistry Program Director Galala University, Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, Cairo and Galala Universities, member of Executive Dental Sector, High Supreme Council of Universities. She was also the former Vice Dean for Postgraduate Affairs and Scientific Research, Cairo University (2015-2018), former Head of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Department, Cairo University (2009-2015), former Head of Scientific Committee for Promotion of Professors and Associate Professors in the fields of Periodontology, Oral Medicine, Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, Oral Pathology and Oral Biology (2019-2021) and former Head of Quality Assurance Unit, Cairo University. Before transferring to Galala University, she was a board member of the ‘International Program Council of Dental Science for UG Students”, CU, board member of the ‘Maters Degree Program Council of Implantology “,member of Dental Education Unit, Faculty of Dentistry, Cairo University and head of the “Central Evidence-Based Committee, Oral and Maxillofacial Department ,Faculty of Oral & Dental Medicine, Cairo University.

Dr. Dahaba is a NAQAAE Judging and Evaluation Committee member, member of the Research Ethics Committee, Faculty of Dentistry, Cairo University, member of the Central Examination Board assigned for conducting the Egyptian Dental Board Exam (2023), judge in the Scientific Committee for Promotion of Professors and Associate Professors in Saudi Arabia and member of the ENREC. Dr. Dahaba has over 25 years of  experience in teaching and examination ,starting from being a over than 25 lecturer of “Oral Radiodiagnosis”, Faculty of Oral & Dental Medicine, Cairo University-more than 25 years’ experience as well as teaching experiences in courses of “Fundamentals and Technology of Oral Radiology” for Undergraduate dental students as well as “Recent Advances in Ingoing Modalities: for caudate dental students, Cairo, Ain Shams, Minia Universities and 6th of October University (Year 2003 for the later). She was the course director: Oral Radiology Course for undergraduate students (Cairo since 2001-2021 and Minia universities in 2001),course director: 1- Recent Advances in Imaging Modalities. 2- Oral radiology; Basis and Technology and 3- Bio-physics in Dentistry, for Master Degree Students (Cairo University, 2001 till 2008) ,course director: Oral Radiology and Radiographic Interpretation of Pathological Lesions for Doctorate Degree Students (Cairo University since, 2001 -2021),course director of: Basis of radiography and differential diagnosis of pathoses for high-degree diploma students (Cairo University Since, 2001),course director of “Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Course “for students attending the International Orthodontic Program, The Royal College of Surgeon of Edinburgh, M. Orth. Program,2010,2012,2013,2015,course director of “Satellite Course of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology “as an integral course within the Satellite Master Degree Orthodontic Program, 6 th October University,2012,course Director of “Oral Radiology OMD612” in Masters of Conservative Dentistry, MSA, program director of PhD of OMF Radiology, Faculty of Dentistry, Cairo University, course director for all OMF Radiology Courses in DIIP (Dentistry International Integrated Program), Cairo University , course Director for OMF Radiology Course; Egyptian Fellowship Degree, coordinator of examination committees for undergraduate students, Master’s Degree students, Doctorate Degree students, Cairo University, Faculty of Dentistry (2002-2021)  and external examiner and evaluator for undergraduate students at 6th of October University, MSA, Ain-Shams, MIU, Future, MTI, Beni Seuif University, Alexandria University. Canadian University. BUE, and Suez Canal Universities.

  • Research Fields; Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, Medical Imaging, Digital Dentistry, Forensic Dentistry, Implantology and Artificial Intelligence in dental imaging.
  • Thesis Supervision: Main and co-supervision of 50 thesis submitted for fulfillment of doctorate degrees and 115 theses submitted for fulfillment of Master’s degree in different fields of dentistry.
  • Publications; More than 61 peer -reviewed publications.
  • Authorship; Main author and editor of 2 textbooks for Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, Cairo University. Co-authored 2 other pocket textbooks for Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, Cairo University                                                                                    


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