Dina El Beshlawy - Egypt


Affiliation: Professor of Oral & maxillofacial Radiology, Cairo and Galala universities 


I worked in Cairo university with an experience of more than 18 years in teaching many undergraduates and postgraduates’ courses as well as various internship programs. I worked as a professor and examiner in many esteemed governmental and private universities. I received my master and PhD degrees both with the grade of excellency at 2007 and 2010 respectively. Working too as a researcher, I have good skills of data analysis, scientific writing, critical thinking and project management that helped me be a part of many national and international publications in my specialty. I have several participations, by oral and poster presentations, in many national and international conferences in the field of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology and Dentistry. 


Artificial Intelligence; where we stand and what is coming?

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