Updated Novel Concepts in Restoring Fresh Intact & Compromised Extraction Sockets in the Esthetic Zone

The presence of chronic infection or labial plate of bone defects related to fresh extraction sites, presents a real challenge to clinicians, the decision whether to delay implant placement or to place implants immediately bother pause higher risks and potential treatment complications, This presentation describes a novel clinical protocol to treat wide verities of fresh extraction sites (thin, or deficient labial plate of bone, severely compromised, actively infected) with immediate implant placement. In this presentation, the presenting  team will highlight the novel trends in treating fresh extraction sockets as the tips to avoid the potential treatment complications that might arise, such as the use of connective tissue grafts to enhance the socket peri implant soft tissues, the use of modern cad cam technology to optimize implant position, and the use of the novel Vestibular socket therapy techniques in restoring severely compromised sockets with immediate implant placement.

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