In orthodontics, the basic treatment goals are to achieve an integration among esthetics, function and speech. Esthetics is a highly subjective matter that depends on individual perception of beauty, which is naturally multifactorial. Initially, beauty was defined mathematically as in the golden proportion and so forth; however, cultural factors and personal experiences play an important role in shaping the final judgement. The media is a powerful tool that has, over the years, become in every room of every house. It has the ability to mould people’s thoughts and has affected the esthetic perception of beauty in many forms. How can we deal or are we supposed to deal with the vast effect it imposes on our minds, is a debate that hasn’t been raised yet. Shall we attempt to change our treatment objectives to follow the “trend” or should we hold on to the standards that we have known to be correct? Will beauty remain in the eyes of the beholder, or will it be in the eyes of the media and the AI as what we see now happening gradually?