A Randomized Controlled Trial of Arthrocentesis versus Mitek Mini Anchor in the Treatment of Anterior Disc Displacement without Reduction of Temporomandibular Joint

Background: Internal derangement is abnormal relationship between the articular disc, the mandibular condyle and fossa including the articular eminence. The minimally invasive treatments such as arthrocentesis, as well as arthroscopic lysis and lavage are often used as first line-surgical treatment or in conjunction with non-surgical modalities Arthrocentesis is not always successful so there is a need for alternative surgical option. Disc displacement is often accompanied by loss of structural integrity of discal ligament.To overcome this problem, Wolford* 1994 developed a surgical technique of using a bone anchor (Mitek anchor).

Aim of this study: was to compare the outcome of arthrocentesis and Mitek mini anchor in patients with ADDWOR of TMJ. 

Patients & Methods: Sixteen patients were randomly divided into two equal groups and scheduled for arthrocentesis and disc repositioning.

Results & Conclusion: Patients who were treated using Mitek mini anchor showed higher degree of improvement in most of the examined parameters than those treated with arthrocentesis.


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