Re-stablishing Harmonious Occlusal Anatomy for Direct and Indirect Restorations.

Workshop Objectives:

Rebuilding the anatomy is a major issue in posterior aesthetic cases, especially if you don’t want to make too many occlusal adjustments in the finishing procedures. Whether for direct composite or indirect restorations, it is therefore of paramount importance to rebuild a tooth with a correct morphology and anatomy, respecting the correct proportions of the occlusal pattern to restore the tooth’s function and esthetics by creating a restoration that is in harmony with the surrounding dentition.

The objectives of this workshop are to focus on how to regain occlusal morphology while layering posterior composite restorations and on CAD/CAM software for indirect restorations, according to NAT and occlusal compass concepts.

Location: Faculty of Dentistry campus, Simulation laboratory


Tarek Salah

Date: September 28, 2023 1:00 pm -

Fees: 1250 EGP

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