Failed Regenerative Endodontics : The Other Side Of The Story

Case reports describing clinical protocols of regenerative procedures were first
published in the early two thousands, they have been used as a valid treatment
option for immature permanent necrotic teeth with the advantage of continued root
development ( increased root length and thickness and apical closure ) if compared
to the regular apexification procedures. Since then, numerous researches and
clinical trials have been published discussing success and survival rates of
regenerative procedures denoting extremely high success rates ranging from 75%
up to 100%. Despite of the high success rates, there is a growing evidence that
regenerative endodontic cases can fail. Failures of regenerative cases manifest
starting from 6 months up to 4 or 5 years after the completion of treatment .
Failures can manifest as persistent infection, root resorption , fracture and
discoloration . Regenerative endodontics mainly is carried out for young children
at critical growth age , so every effort should be done to retain these teeth in the
arch. Understanding the causes and different treatment options for failed cases is of
utmost importance to prevent early tooth loss.

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