How to Skillfully Manage Curved Canals, Ledges & Blockages?

Workshop Objectives:

Canal Ledges and blockages are common endodontic errors that may result in teeth loss. The prevention of such errors and their skillful management, if they occurred, would ultimately save teeth. Severely curved canals can result in fractured instruments, and again ledges and blockages, which will result in ultimate treatment failure. Thus the clinician must be able to handle such canal curves with expertise and proficiency.

Root canal calcifications are a clinical finding that requires skillful management with magnification and ultrasonics. Removing these canal calcifications will allow successful root canal preparation and obturation. Combining the advanced skills in managing curved narrow canals during shaping and obturation along with calcifications and ledges will improve the success rate and prognosis of the treated teeth and help patients retain their teeth.

By the end of the workshop, the participant will be able to;

  • Practice management of Canal ledges and Calcifications
  • Practice shaping narrow canals proficiently
  • Practice shaping severely curved canals competently
  • Practice management of canal blockages
  • Learn how to use magnification in Endodontics (loupes, Microscopes)
  • Comprehend the important use of ultrasonics in endodontics
  • Learn how to prevent and manage broken files

Location: Faculty of Dentistry campus


Mohamed Fakhr

Date: September 28, 2023 12:00 pm -

Fees: 1250 EGP

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