The utilization of digital protocols in implant prosthetics has led to a significant advancement
that influences the treatment concepts for prosthodontics. There is a considerable advantage
from current trends towards same-day implant-supported restorations, particularly with the use
of these protocols. By using CBCT and patient single or dual scan protocols to collect digital
data, an accurate reverse planning process can be performed on the day of surgery which strictly
adheres during surgical procedures- reducing errors and allowing customized restorations to be
achieved. Various digital software options available today present complete/partial workflows
producing prosthetically driven implants tailored specifically for each individual case; thus
increasing success rates while also improving patient satisfaction levels. In this lecture, a digital
workflow will be showcased that can be implemented for patients receiving implant-supported
restorations on the same day as their surgery. The presentation will cover various techniques
and demonstrate how these protocols can be tailored to different clinical situations.