Laser Boosted Clinical Dentistry: From Knowledge to Practice

Workshop Objectives:

This workshop and hands-on will comprise;

  • Overview of the physical background of Dental Laser production.
  • The biophysical interaction between different LASER wavelengths and tissues.
  • Laser applications in dentistry.
  • Laser safety.
  • Different Laser wave-lengths applications on hard and soft tissues.

The participant will be able to apply a hands-on laser application on the following:

  • Bleaching
  • Laser in Restorative Dentistry
  • Laser in Esthetic Dentistry
  • Laser Assisted Endodontics
  • Laser Facilitated Orthodontics
  • Laser in Pediatric Dentistry
  • Laser assisted surgical procedures

Location: Faculty of Dentistry campus


Youssef Sedky

Date: September 29, 2023 10:00 am -

Fees: 1500 EGP

Workshops Registration
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