Nermeen Nagi - Egypt

Ass. Prof.

Associate Professor of Prosthodontics, Fayoum and Galala Universities.



Dr. Nermeen Nagi, M.B.B.CH., M.Sc., Ph.D. from Ain Shams University, Egypt. And post-doctorate from Bonn University, Germany. She has 15 years of experience in teaching and practicing fixed prosthodontics at Fayoum University, British University in Egypt, and Egyptian Russian University and is currently a lecturer of fixed prosthodontics at Galala University, Egypt. 

She is a researcher at Bonn University, Germany.  Also, the co-founder of the CAD/CAM center in the Faculty of Dentistry, Fayoum University.

She lectures on an international level about digital smile designing and recent advances in fixed prosthodontics.


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