How Much is Enough? The Rehabilitation of a ridge to receive a dental implant.

A frequently encountered hindrance when a patient requires treatment with dental implants is an atrophied ridge.

The decision making in how to correct that situation requires first the proper knowledge to diagnose what is missing, is it the hard tissue or the soft tissue compartment or both.
 Then to understand how much is missing and how much of that needs to be restored. Finally, and most importantly how can we restore and rehabilitate that part of the ridge. all to serve at the end the longevity of that implant placed. 

And because sizable number of cases where mistreated, weather by over treating an atrophied ridge or underestimating it, (both options leading to future complications), our lecture is being given today discussing this mater 

We will be showing different cases with different case scenarios and their treatments, highlighting the importance of proper diagnosis and knowledge of when, how and why to restore a ridge contour defect may it be in the vertical or horizontal component, soft tissue or hard tissue or both. 

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