For nearly 25 years, surgeons have adopted computer-guided surgical protocols to guide and assist complex dentoalveolar repair and reconstruction before dental implant placement. With the recent introduction of various innovative techniques, .where the proposed surgical repair can be precisely performed in a virtual environment prior to the actual procedure and then applied to the surgical field using different CAD/CAM and rapid prototyping techniques. Nowadays, three-dimensional surgical simulation becomes a possibility with greater fidelity and the increasing application of computer-aided design and manufacturing techniques has simplified these challenging procedures. This presentation will showcase the technology of the future and will take us on a journey through some complicated dental implant cases such as full arch bone and soft tissue rehabilitation and how such cases were treated in the past and become treated now in precise computer-guided protocols using either customized surgical templates, different biomaterials or patient-specific implants. Upon completion of this presentation, participants will be able to: 1)identify different complicating factors that may hinder dental implant placement either in classic cases or complex ones 2) how we could deal with such cases using the well-known protocols and advanced CAD-CAM techniques 3)how we should think about developing and introducing new technologies into dental implantology.4) which technique to choice GBR or Cortico-cancellous Block Grafting.